More than 84% of all Internet traffic is now video. People prefer to get their information in video format instead of text format. Are you moving in that direction?
We can create spokesperson or sketch videos that effectively promote your ideas or tell your story. Our sketch and spokesperson videos can help you reach clients with your message.
Here is an examples of a spokesperson video promoting an example florist.
Another spokesperson video explains violations of the American with Disabilites Acr (ADA).
And, here is a spokesperson video explaining cryptocurrency:
And, another spokesperson video with an intro and outro that offers low cost POS services.
Sketch videos hold viewer attention and deliver your message in a memorable way.
We can embed existing video clips within our spokesperson or sketch video. Here is an example sketch video explaining how to increase gas mileage and reduce air pollution.
Our video creation service is only $97 per minute of video. You have full rights to use your videos on websites, for TV commercials, or for any other advertising or promotional use.
Contact us with your business details.